She was exquisite from the day she arrived and has filled many heartswith joy, including mine! She has wisdom, beyond her young years, a wicked sense of humour and she makes me cards telling me how much she loves me ;-) Meet Bella. One of my youngest & and greatest friends. She is patient with me and my crazy ways, including my passion for photography.
I photographed this session in the late afternoon, just before the sun retired for the evening. Her gorgeous mum (Liz) and I had themed four little mini shoots and were racing the grey clouds heading our way. We had FUN. Bella was a dream and exuded her usual love for life. I photographed. Liz dressed our little model, hung the props, did hair, carried suitcases & kept me on schedule. Thanks Dizzy. I would be lost without you xx
Here is the first of our four themed shoots including some yummy gum balls and a tutu by Tutu de Monde. Enjoy and stay tuned for the rest to follow : a splash of red, a little guitar and a japanese fan. Mmmm.....excited & madly editing!! Thanks muchly for dropping by xx